Keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac
Keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac

keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac
  1. #Keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac how to#
  2. #Keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac code#
  3. #Keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac series#
  4. #Keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac mac#

Note that the use of > and = and <=, but I have to review the KM wiki to find out how to type that correctly in an a calculation field and update the macro. You may wish to put a notification alert here. If we don’t find the window on any screen (which should not be possible, but…) then just fall off the bottom of the macro and do nothing. Ii) Move the window to that screen and put it in the middle of the screen by resizing it.Ĭ) If the window is NOT on this screen, increment the Local_screencounter so we can check the next screen on the next loop iteration. Add 1 to Local_screencounter to get to the next screen (to the right), but if the result is >SCREENCOUNTER() wrap back to screen 1. I) Compute the screen to move the window to. I decided to do it this way because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with moving a window that overlapped two screens between the screens…you might want to modify to suit your needs, perhaps by defining the screen a window is in by where the top left corner is.

#Keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac code#

Note the present code requires that the entire window must be contained on the screen if a window overlaps two screens this condition will not be met. Loop through each screen (SCREENCOUNT() times):Ī) Check the listed conditions to see if the window (“frame”) is in the current screen. It runs from to 1 to SCREENCOUNT() the value 0 is always the Main screen but I ignore that as the main screen ALSO has an index in the above range. The variable Local_screencounter tracks which screen I am looking at in the subsequent loop. With this, I know where in the coordinate space that includes ALL screens the window is located. Saving this as text in a variable allows the elements of the frame (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) to be extracted in calculations. Get the “frame” of the front window (which is presumably the one I want to move). Note that the top left corner of the main screen is at (0,0). I don’t know how left to right is determined for vertically stacked screens, but seems to relate to the screen with the smaller coordinate for its left border (my external monitor above my laptop is much larger than the laptop screen which is centered below it and so its left border is at -872. Note that it is my understanding that in KM, the main screen is always index 0, and then the screens are numbered from left to right from 1 to SCREENCOUNT().

keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac

I am wondering if there is a way to determine this via AppleScript? I have found no function or token that returns the screen a given window is on, as of yet. I can think of kludgy ideas like trying to get the dimensions of the screen the window is on and comparing to the dimensions of very screen to figure out where the window is, but obviously that is not a robust solution and of course fails if you have two screens with the same dimension. However, I would also like to be able to shift windows from one screen to another, and I have not been able to find a method for doing this.Īs far as I have been able to discover thus far, KM provides the facility to find out the number of screen, and to specify a screen to move a window to (either by number or by keyword tokens such as Main, External, Front, etc), but I cannot find a way to find out which screen a window is currently on to thereby determine what screen to move it to. I have the macros do said movement on the screen that the window is currently on.

#Keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac series#

I put together a series of macros (a la David S) to move windows around - left side, right side, top, bottom, the four corners.

keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac

View as Cover Flow (Mac OS X v10.I would be interested in this as well. Open the Home folder of the currently logged-in user account Hide all windows except the currently active one and minimize the active window Hide all windows except the currently active one Navigate to the search field in an already-open Spotlight window Select all items in the front Finder window (or desktop if no window is open)

keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac

They’re also pretty easy to learn and remember because the majority of the shortcuts use the first letter of the command. These keyboard shortcuts are major timesavers once you start implementing them in your daily tasks. macOS comes loaded with other handy keyboard shortcuts that you can use to speed up your workflow and increase your productivity.īefore we dive straight into the comprehensive list, look below to find a table of the most useful shortcuts in a table of their own. Very cool, but these shortcuts are just the tip of the iceberg.

#Keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac mac#

Restart your Mac (without confirmation dialog)

Keyboard shortcut for moving windows between desktops mac